My mom made these and I tasted them and loved them, so she gave me a can and I already ate those and then I canned some myself and have already eaten a jar of those (by myself). This is also a great way to use all those yellow squash that just keep coming during the summer.
Recipe for Squash Pickles
10 cups sliced squash
2 cups diced onions
5 cups vinegar
1 pod chopped hot pepper
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 teaspoon mustard seed
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon alum (I have read that you do not need to use this, but I did anyway)
4 garlic cloves
Combine squash, onions and pepper. Sprinkle with salt and let stand 1 hour and then drain. Combine all other ingredients except the garlic. Bring to a boil and add squash, onions and peppers and bring back to a boil. Add a garlic clove to each jar. Put mixture into jars and seal.
This makes about 4 pints.