Monday, June 24, 2019

How to Make an Easy Patriotic Table Centerpiece

Easy Patriotic Centerpiece 

This is a very easy and thrifty centerpiece to make and you can change the colors for any holiday.

For the red layer - I put about 1/4 cup of white rice in a baggie and a few drops of red food coloring and a dash of rubbing alcohol and the squished the bag around to coat the rice in the coloring and then poured it out on a plate to dry.

For the blue layer -  I did the same as above but used blue food coloring.

For the white layer - I used 1/4 cup rice and left it white.

When the colored rice dried I poured it into a jelly jar by layers. I had a small flag and put that in the rice.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Freezing Fresh Squash

Freezing Squash 

I put some yellow squash in the freezer a few days ago. I will be using them in Squash Casseroles. When the squash are thawed they are usually soft and mushy but that will not matter since I am putting them in a casserole.

I washed my squash and then cut them up in slices and blanced them for about 3 minutes. When I finmished the blanching process I put them in freezer bags, enough for a casserole, and then I flattened the bags out and put them on a cookie sheet to freeze.

When they are frozen flat I can then stack them and make more room in my freezer.