Thursday, November 7, 2019

Do What You Can

Do What is Best for Your Family

Something to think about during the upcoming season. Don't worry about what others are doing for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season do what you can for your family, that means in cooking, gift giving and decorating. This is the time of year when all the magazines, television and blogs start showing us all the pretty and tasty treats to make or buy for the season. But if your like me you would find it cheaper to buy a premade gift than to make some of the ones that are shared. Don't get me wrong, homemade is great but if you don't have the money for all the things needed to make it then it will not be helpful to you. So be careful and not get caught up in all the pretty blog goodness to come during the next few weeks but to pick out some things that you can do within your budget. I have noticed that most of the bloggers must have pretty big budgets based on the photos of their homes and all the pretties they share with us and that is great but don't start comparing yourself, your family or your home with them. 

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